
where writers create, share, and explore

Welcome to tellitintype, an exceptional literary sanctuary. Immerse yourself in a world of captivating narratives as we proudly present a diverse collection of flash fiction, short fiction, and evocative poetry. At tellitintype, we are more than just a magazine; we are a supportive haven for writers, fostering creativity and providing a platform for voices to be heard.

General Submissions

Calling all aspiring writers and wordsmiths! Do you have a story to share, a tale to tell, or a message to convey? Tellitintype is open for submissions! Whether it's flash fiction, short fiction, or poetry, we want to hear from you. Join our community of storytellers and share your voice with the world. Submit your writing pieces today for a chance to be featured on tellitintype and connect with readers from around the globe. Let your words take flight and inspire others. Start your journey as a published writer with tellitintype!

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Submissions Information

Types of Submissions: We accept submissions in the following categories: Flash Fiction, Short Fiction, and Poetry.

Flash Fiction:

  • Word Count: We accept flash fiction pieces with a word count of up to 1000 words.
  • Format: Submissions must be MS Word documents (.doc .docx), be double-spaced, have 1-inch margins, and use Times New Roman font.
  • Genres: We welcome a variety of genres for flash fiction, including but not limited to science fiction, fantasy, romance, mystery, and literary fiction.
  • Submission Limit: Writers may submit two flash fiction pieces per submission and an unlimited number of submissions per 12-month submission period.
  • Originality: We only consider original, unpublished work. Simultaneous submissions are allowed, but please notify us immediately if your piece is accepted elsewhere.

Short Fiction:

  • Word Count: Short fiction submissions should be between 1,000 and 5,000 words.
  • Formatting: Submissions must be MS Word documents (.doc .docx), be double-spaced, have 1-inch margins, and use Times New Roman font.
  • Genres: We are open to a broad range of genres and themes. Surprise us with your creativity!
  • Submission Limit: Writers can submit one short fiction piece per submission and an unlimited number of submissions per 12-month submission period.
  • Rights: We ask for first serial rights to publish your work both online and in our future anthologies. After publication, all rights revert to the author.


  • Number of Poems: Submit up to three poems per submission, and an unlimited number of submissions per 12-month submission period.
  • Format: Poems should be single-spaced, and each poem should start on a new page.
  • Style: We appreciate diverse styles and forms of poetry. Experimentation is encouraged!
  • Original Work: Submit only unpublished, original poems. Simultaneous submissions are accepted.

General Guidelines:

  • Submission Fee: We do not charge a submission fee for general submissions.
  • Cover Letter: Include a brief cover letter with your contact information and a short bio. Tell us about yourself and the inspiration behind your work.
  • Response Time: We strive to respond within four weeks. If you haven't heard from us after this period, feel free to inquire about the status of your submission.

Waiting Period for Submissions

Thank you for considering Tellitintype for your submissions. To manage our review process effectively and provide thoughtful review, we ask that submitters please wait at least 4 weeks before inquiring about the status of their submissions.

Our editorial team carefully reviews each submission to ensure it aligns with our publication standards and values. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to give every submission the attention it deserves.

If you have any urgent inquiries or special circumstances regarding your submission, please feel free to contact us, and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.

Rights Information

At Tellitintype, we believe in transparency and respecting the rights of our contributors. When you submit your work to us, here's what you can expect:

  • First Serial Rights: By submitting your work, you grant Tellitintype the right to publish it for the first time, both online on our website and potentially in our future anthologies. This allows us to share your work with our readership and showcase it through our platform.
  • Reversion of Rights: After your work has been published by Tellitintype, all rights revert back to you, the author. This means that you regain full ownership and control over your work, allowing you to explore other publishing opportunities or use your work in any other way you see fit.

We value the creative rights of our contributors and strive to provide a supportive and respectful publishing environment. If you have any questions or concerns about rights, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for submitting your writing to tellitintype. We look forward to reading your submissions!

Submission Form